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This page contains several tips.
(Please add your tips here since this is wiki. In order to do that, please contact me to grant you to write access to this git repository. Currently, juli code and this document are in the same repository because it is very small for now.)
Original juli.css and juli.js are copied from template library to output_top when generating HTML at first time.
You can change by the following sections.
Create your customized juli.css and juli.js in your JULI_REPO. These files are sync-ed to output_top by rsync(1) in juli(1) execution time so that these files will be used for CSS and javascript execution.
You can put your own css and js in JULI_REPO and specify it at template as follows (file names 'mine.css' and 'mine.js' below are just example):
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> : : <script src="mine.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="mine.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Just run:
$ je TODO
Then, you can:
I added the utility 'lib/juli/template/je-bash-complete'. Actually, this is not a ruby library, but bash script for je(1) wikiname completion. How to setup and use are described in this file. Enjoy!
sample/update_public_juli.rb is an example implementation to update juli contents at web-server. Please see the description in the source.
(2013/10/19) I set juli-generated document permission for web server as follows:
$ ls -l /var/www-sub/ drwxr-s--- 14 MY_NAME www-data 12288 Oct 19 15:30 juli/
However, this setting is dropped as follows:
drwxr-x--- 14 MY_NAME MY_GROUP 12288 Oct 19 15:30 juli/
The above behavior happened because of calling rsync(1) from juli bulk_mode. Rsync(1) copies files other than juli text from JULI_REPO to output_top so that directory permission is also synchronized...orz