je(1) is a wrapper of editor and juli(1), to edit wikipage and run juli(1).
je(1) does the followings:
- invoke the editor to edit 'wikiname.txt'.
- commit to git repository.
- run juli(1) to generate/update HTML.
- if the wikiname is new, do the followings. Those are time consuming tasks
so that they will be done in background. The result will be logged
in /tmp/juli_je.log:
- re-generate all of pages since they may contain the new wikiname.
- generate sitemap.
- update 'recent_update' entry.
Following environment variables are required to be set:
JULI_REPO: | juli-repo directory, must be a git repository also. |
EDITOR: | editor |
JULI: | for debug (only for developer) |
- install git(1).
- create git repository
$ JULI_REPO=... # set your favorite directory like ~/juli_repo
$ git init
- It is recommended to set JULI_REPO at ~/.bashrc etc. also.
- create juli repository also
$ juli init
- NOTE: It depends whether to add .juli/ subdirectory, which is
created here, in git repository or not.
If .juli/* is totally the same as other sites, you can.
Otherwise you can not.
- If you decide to include .juli/* in repository, do the followings
since je(1) has not been integrated with git yet:
$ git add .juli/
$ git commit -v
- From any directory without worry about current working directory,
just run followings to make a memo for your idea:
$ je Eureka!
- After saving the file by your editor, git asks to enter commit message as follows:
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# :
diff --git ...
(you can see your change of this text here)
- You can ignore to enter any comment by just exiting the editor. Then, git aborts continued process(record your change) but juli generates HTML.
- Or it would be better to enter comment so you can track what you did on this change.
- Anyway, you can see the generated HTML file by any browser like this:
$ firefox file:///...
$ je HelloWorld # edit HelloWorld wikipage
$ je 'hello world' # space can be included
$ je ウーロン茶 # UTF-8 is ok (in Linux)
$ JULI_REPO=... je wikiname # change juli-repo at this time
$ JULI=DEV_DIR/bin/juli je 'hello world' # for debug